Hey Pilgrims!
I am happy to announce a new project coming soon from WPG! Inspired by the rise of 1 on 1 games, a game needing only 1 player and a GM, I have begun work on a project I am calling “Tests of Faith”! Designed to be used as one shots for level 1 or 2 Paladins, these adventures will serve as ways to explain how your particular Paladin took their oaths!
Within this product I’ll be focusing on the Oaths that can be found in the Player’s Handbook, Oath of Devotion, Oath of the Ancients, and Oath of Vengeance. Up first, will be the focus on the devoted, shing examples of justice, the Oath of Devotion Paladins! Including a one shot for each Oath, GMs will be able to work out how these characters took their oaths and joined their order. Some trials will be tests of martial prowess, others will test the player’s sense of morality and justice, while others will be tests of their very faith.
Why “Tests of Faith”?
Paladin, Copyright: Image property of Wizards of the Coast
In my own experiences, 1st and 2nd level both act as a way to get players introduced to the mechanics and powers of their chosen class. Why not allow it to also be a way to feel for the themes and tone of the character as well?
The idea for these adventures comes from my own love of the roleplaying aspect of TTRPGs and the fact that many games I have played start at 3rd level due to players wanting to get right into their characters' respective subclass. On top of this, while backstories may cover how a character became a Battle Master Fighter or a Assassin Rogue, when the player jumps from level 2 to level 3, the abilities are learned automatically with no build up.
It was because of this, I had the idea to create these adventures to act as a cross between a Session 0 playthrough and the act of getting used to new mechanics through level 1 and level 2. The goal is for GMs to run these adventures with players to help them build not only familiarity with the abilities and powers of their character, but their motivations and personality as well.
“Tests of Faith” is still in its early build, but be sure to stay tuned to this website as well as out Twitter account and Facebook page to get more updates! Also, joining our Discord server can allow you to be some of the first players to try out this and other supplements made by WPG!
As always, keep wandering!