Hey Pilgrims!
It’s been a long time since a solid update and allow me to explain why. We here at WPG have been hard at work on not only the brand new Steel Horizons Quickstart Guide, but also the follow up supplement, the Lore Keeper Codex.
While the Quickstart Guide focuses more on the character creation and Player side mechanics of Steel Horizons, and the Hydra System as a whole, the Lore Keeper Codex instead focuses son the game runner, or Lore Keeper’s side of the game. But, even though the work is still very much in progress, we’ve had the thought, “Why dont we share what we have with the community?”
To that we answer, “Yea! Why not?!?!”
So, without any further adieu, lets share some previews of not only the combat rules for the Hydra System, but also future looks at the upcoming Lore Keeper Codex!
Short preview of combat rules in the Hydra System/preview of snippets of the upcoming Lore Keeper Codex