Hey Pilgrims!
It’s been a long time, but I am happy to be writing on this blog again. As everyone is well aware, the past few months have been beyond stressful for so many of us, and as a result I took a bit of a hiatus from TTRPG writing in general.
However, after settling back into a somewhat small bit of “normalcy” with my work and personal life, I am ready to come back to writing and revamp a lot of things on both this website and with my own products. I’m happy to have you all along for the ride!
Any News?
A lot has happened since the last time I posted on this blog and I thought it might be nice to catch everyone up on what I’ve been working on so far behind the scenes. One major thing is my continued work on Steel Horizons and bringing in consultants to help me build the world and overall theme. So far I have been working on the Steel Horizons World Primer to send out as an introduction to other consultants and writers who I may be seeking to hire in the future. While still in a very Alpha build, the overall themes and tone of the various nations is coming together bit by bit as more contributors are being sought out!
Another major update is that I am back to running some games for groups of my IRL friends! I am currently in the midst of running two campaigns of a fantasy TTRPG. While my friends used 5th Edition DnD to build their characters, the game itself resembles nothing like D&D due to my own issues with the system. Instead, I pull from a variety of sources to create a D20 system that allows my players to play the game they want.
Image Credit: Capcom
The first campaign, “Into the Unknown”, takes place on the jungle continent of Varn. Being an uninhabited island, Varn is the site of Highcliff Point, a research outpost that has been hiring various teams of hunters to gather resources, protect the outpost, and hunt down any dangerous animals. It is heavily based on the Monster Hunter franchise and allows the players to use their tracking skills as well as crafting skills as they create newer and better equipment from their hunts.
The second campaign, “A Chain Reforged”, takes place is a massive collection of atolls, islands, and archipelagos called The Broken Chain. Within this land reeling from the toppling of a former tyrannical warlord, the nations and factions of the Chain find themselves trying to seize power in this vacuum. The players, heroes known for their assistance in the coup of the warlord, now find themselves in a land of intrigue and secrecy as they must navigate the treacherous paths of subtlety and diplomacy!
What Next?
Well, as I make time to continue with my own writing (both in my personal games as well as for commercial sale) the major things I wish to focus on is creating a playable rule set for Steel Horizons to be released in the relative future as well as hone the work from my campaigns into a product for GMs and Players to use at their own tables!
Steel Horizons Logo
I have other plans to create a new interview series where I speak with various creators in the TTRPG space that may be done through blog post or podcast, depending on interest. However, this plan is put on the back burner for now as I build a roster of potential interview candidates and interesting topics.
Thank you so much to everyone who has supported us as we have been finding our stride and to everyone who many be just joining us I look forward to having you in the community! (Serious, join our Discord! The more the merrier!)
As always, keep wandering!
-WPG Mike