What is the Hydra System?

In the midst of me revamping the WPG website as well as getting things up and running again I came to the realization that many of you may not have gotten a clear description of what exactly the Hydra System *is*. To that end, let’s take some time, kick back, and chat for a bit. 

To begin, let’s start with our patented elevator pitch before we truly dive into what exactly the Hydra System is as a system. 

“Created as a way to keep a combat oriented focus but still allow players narrative freedom, The Hydra System is made as a rules framework to allow players and game runners alike the freedom to control their own narrative.”

In essence, the Hydra System exists to give players the combat they want but make it more interesting than the same actions ad nauseam. But, before we can explain how the Hydra System actually does that, let’s talk briefly about how the system runs.

Hydra System Basics

The Hydra System uses a d12 dice pool when determining success or failure. Yes, the d12 is my baby and I will hear no slander otherwise. This dice pool is determined by the values of the player’s chosen Attribute, whether it is Brawn, Finesse, Resolve, Swagger, or Mind. When confronted with a challenge, physical or not, the player may choose which Attribute to determine their Approach (how they handle the situation). Below are some example of how these Approach would look in the Hydra system, both in and out of combat:

Examples of Approaches in the Hydra System

Now I can already hear what you’re thinking, “But, Mike, Approaches sound cool and all-”

Thank you! They are!

“Let me finish!”

Sorry… continue

“Anyway… Approaches sound cool, but how do we figure out how many dice we get per Attribute? How do we build our characters?”

Character Creation

In the Hydra System, character creation can be summed up rather easily. The main points to understand are that once you have you have your character concept determined, you choose a Background and then an Archetype.

“But what are Backgro-”

Ok now *you* need to let me finish this time.

In the simplest of terms, Backgrounds represent who your character was in their past while Archetypes represent who your character is trying to be now. So with that, let’s walk through a sample of how to make a character courtesy of the Steel Horizons Quickstart Guide currently on our Itch page (#shamelessplug):

Example character creation from the Steel Horizons Quickstart Guide

Simple right? Every Attribute starts at 1, then increases with values from Backgrounds and Archetypes (to a maximum of three of character creation). From there you add in Tags and total Wounds and Luck, but, I do think I’ll leave some things a secret for those looking to buy the Steel Horizons Quickstart Guide.

Hydra System Games

As of the time of writing this, one game has been created with two more in development for the Hydra System. Which brings me to my next point and, in my opinion, the most fun one. You might have wondered, “Why Hydra? What does it mean?”


Oh..ahem… sorry for yelling.

When I designed the bare bone mechanics for the Hydra System I wanted it to be detailed enough to be an over fun game, but also simple enough to allow game runners the ability to customize (or hack) the system for any setting or game they wish to play. So, what happens when you hack a game? Another new one rises in its place.

Just like the mythical Hydra, cut off one head, two more grow in its place. So, if you’ll bear with my mythology obsessed brain, like a Hydra, more and more games will rise from this system.

I do hope with this small glimpse into the system itself, you find yourself with a better understanding of more than just the games made with the Hydra System, but also the system itself.

If you’re looking to talk more about this system, be sure to head on over to our Discord or chat us up on Twitter!